Thursday, May 25, 2017

Multiple UVW channels in overwatch

When I reverse engineer models, I don't think too much about abnormalities. Normally it is just the vertices, indices or faces, normals and texture coordinates.
These are the primary things I look for and apply them to a mesh in 3D Studio Max.
For long I used the following method to apply texture coordinates:

local theMesh = mesh vertices:vertex_list \
name:meshName \
faces:faces_list \
vnorms:normal_list \

buildTVFaces theMesh false

for f = 1 to faces_list.count do
setTVFace theMesh f faces_list[f]

update theMesh

This was my method to make it work.
Recently I stumbled on a more advanced setup, that of Overwatch models. They have multiple UVW map channels. So I need to apply this to the imported model too.
At first it looked like impossible job...

After reading, like, a LOT of the documentation and searching the internet, which of course had no real solution and certainly no example, I had to figure this out by myself.

So here is my solution:

meshop.setMapSupport theMesh 1 true
for i=1 to textcoord_list[1].count do
meshop.setMapVert theMesh 1 i textcoord_list[1][i]
meshop.buildMapFaces theMesh 1
update theMesh

if(textcoord_list.count>1) then
Format "Applying secondary uv texture coordinates mapping"

meshop.setNumMaps theMesh 3
meshop.setMapSupport theMesh 2 true
for i=1 to textcoord_list[2].count do
meshop.setMapVert theMesh 2 i textcoord_list[2][i]

meshop.buildMapFaces theMesh 2
update theMesh


For each additional channel, up to 99, you need to set the number of supported maps explicitly.

How can you see these mappings?
Select the model and add the "Unwrap UVW" modifier and press "Edit..." for the initial texture coordinates.
Change the channel to 2 and press the button "Reset UVWs", when prompted, press Yes. And press the "Edit..." button again.
This will display the second applied texture coordinates as shown in the picture below.

Secondary texture coordinates are usually used as an emission map or light map.


Thursday, May 18, 2017

Converting Overwatch models

Overwatch Import Tools v1.0 for Autodesk 3D Studio Max.

- Overwatch model import (*.00C)
- Overwatch Animation import (*.006) 

The animations are split up into different categories or types. 
The Overtool does an excellent job separating them into different folders.
Currently there is only support for animation category 160. Other types may work, but are usually layered animations and are currently not supported.

The Overwatch Import Tool v1.0 is a tool to be used as is and I cannot be held responsible for any other issues that may or may not occur.

You need the following:
Overtool (for extracting files from the game archive)
Overwatch Import Tools (my tool :) !)

Install the Tools (.mzp file) by going to Scripting -> Run Script and select the file.
This will install a menu item "Overwatch Import Tools"

Tutorial for this is here:

3D Model Viewer in WPF

New model viewer can be downloaded here:

3D Model Viewer v3.0

Supported file types

  • .obj
  • Orc Must Die .model
  • Cocos 3D .c3b
  • Ninja Ripper .rip
  • Darksider .dcm
  • World of Warcraft World Models .wmo
  • World of Warcraft Models .m2
  • Heroes of the Storm .m3
  • Starcraft II .m3
  • Diablo III .app
  • Disney Infinity .ibuf
  • Silver .as

Support folder types, this looks through a selected folder and builds up a whole treeview with supported files. Except Heroes of Newerth, there you only  need to select the actual game folder. For everything else, you will need to extract it from game (like ninja ripper) or from the game archives
  • Heroes of the Storm
  • Diablo III
  • Heroes of Newerth
  • Starcraft II
  • Cocos 3D
  • World of Warcraft
  • Strife
Currently working on the latest format for Overwatch.


Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Heroes of Newerth model viewer

Heroes of Newerth is now supported with my model viewer.

The download for this game can be found on its original website:

Just select "Heroes of Newerth" in the viewer and select the folder where you installed Heroes of Newerth. No need to unpack anything for the viewer.

Export to .obj via the Home menu.


3D Printing and Dungeons & Dragons

 Wow, it has been almost 3 years since I posted here... must be the age. ( or corona ) Next year I'll be getting 50 years old. Too old y...